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March 8 2017

I do not think that we do enough to make ourselves feel good. Now what I mean by that is, I don't think that we challenge ourselves enough to feel the slow drip effect of accomplishing daily goals. For instance, did you achieve your goals today or did you put them off for another day? Did you eat good or did you eat like shit? Did you exercise or did you sit on your ass and watch Netflix?

A good habit to start doing is to write down a daily goal. You can do this while drinking your morning coffee or eating your breakfast. In the morning, write down a goal that you would like to achieve during your day and at the end of the day write down on that same sheet of paper if you hit your goal or not. You can also give a brief summary of how you achieved your goal and how it made you feel, or if you did not reach your goal you can write down how you plan to reach it the next day. One thing to remember is that writing down your goals in some sort of a notebook is a great way to track progress and is an achievement itself… Great Job!

The goals that you set for yourself do not need to be large scale goals. They can be something as simple as walking around the block, to cook a meal at home rather than eating out, or to make a little progress on a project that you’ve been putting off. Just try not to take the new year resolution approach by setting your daily goal at an unreachable level. Those are more of a long term type of goal.

Doing something that makes you feel good about yourself is intoxicating… kind of addicting in a way. It also spreads out into other areas of your life. I’ve noticed for myself that when I exercise, I tend to eat healthier… when I exercise and eat healthier, I tend to feel more energized and motivated to complete household chores or vehicle maintenance.

Remember, doing something to improve yourself is 100% better than doing nothing for yourself.

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